
Important Information about Recital 2025

Recitals for Tap, Jazz, Modern, and Musical Theatre will include 12 Dancing Princesses and Gershwin Dances. There will be two performances, both at the Hardin County Schools PAC:
Friday, May 23 at 7:00 pm
— and —
Saturday, May 24 at 7:oo pm

There is also a Special Recital Edition of The Wizard of Oz including Musical Theatre, and Ballet and Tap Lower Levels, on Saturday May 24 at 1:00 PM.
Tickets are $10.00 and will be available at the PAC website starting 1 May 2025.


ADT Parent Handbook

Important information about classes, cancellations, and policies at Allegro Dance Theatre is found in our Handbook, available for download. For schedule information and rates, see the Classes section of the website or call the studio at (270) 352 1333.

Weather Cancellations

At times, ADT will hold classes on days when schools are not in session. Quite often when schools close due to the weather, the roads clear by afternoon when ADT dance classes are scheduled. So, on days when public and private schools are closed due to the weather, we ask that you listen to the radio stations listed below for cancellation of ADT dance classes or closing of the ADT dance school.

  • WASE 103.5 AM
  • WIEL 1400 AM
  • WLVK 1o5.5 FM
  • WRZI 101.5 FM
  • WKMO 106.5 FM (STAR Country)

Make Up Classes

Classes that are missed because of illness, family trip, or school events can be made up with the prior permission of Miss Carol. Sorry, but NO MAKE UP CLASSES ARE AVAILABLE FEBRUARY THROUGH MAY due to recital preparations.


Recital Weekend

RECITALs are open to the public. This year all recitals will be at the Performing Arts Center (PAC) at John Hardin High School.

All students are encouraged to participate in the recital experience, but recital is not mandatory. However, if your dancer will be performing in the recital, there are mandatory rehearsals. Classroom instruction will continue until April when the recital material will become the number one priority. If your dance student will NOT be participating in recital, please give written notice to Miss Carol by December 1st prior to recital or you will be responsible for the recital costume purchase fees.

Recital Correspondence

Miss Carol will send home schedules containing the dates, times, and places of all rehearsals in preparations for the recital.


If you have any questions about the recital, please make an appointment with Miss Carol (office hours Monday through Thursday 3:00 to 4:00 PM) as soon as possible or call the ADT Secretary at 352-1333. DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL.

Recital Costume Fee

The Costume Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE!

  • Each dance student will need to purchase one costume for recital.
  • These costumes MUST be PAID for by DECEMBER 1st.

(Approximate Cost $65 to $70). Dance students who participate in both tap and ballet will receive a discount on the second costume. Some of the upper level dance students may be asked to rent costumes if required.

Recital Fees

There will be a recital fee to cover such things as theatre rental, scenery, janitorial services, hair supplies, programs, postage, and other business expenses like long distant phone calls coordinating costumes. This fee differs from year to year since each show has unique requirements.

Extra Rehearsals

Upper Level Dance Students WILL Have EXTRA REHEARSALS for Recital.

You will receive the schedule of EXTRA REHEARSALS when you receive your recital costume sheet in January. Please contact Miss Carol AS SOON AS POSSIBLE about any conflicts you might have with the EXTRA REHEARSAL SCHEDULE! If an emergency should arise, please leave a message on the ADT answering machine.


During the month of November, ADT produces the classical ballet Cinderella. Participation for the ADT production of Cinderella is for upper level dance students and by invitation only. ADT’s production of Cinderella is not only for the public but also serves as an educational tool for the area schools. Those invited to dance in Cinderella will be out of school at least 2 days in order to participate in the School Shows. Dancers must have a C average in ALL school classes in order to be allowed out of school.

In addition to the school shows, there will be a performance of Cinderella that is FREE of Charge and OPEN to the PUBLIC.